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MULTI BOOSTER is a unique product from Smart Master.

BOOSTER is a product that is used to enhance and accelerate the effects of biologically active elements of other cosmetics

This means that it acts deeper and stronger than all known skin products Properties of SMART MULTI BOOSTER 

- Nourishment and maximum hydration of the skin

- Removal of rough skin (separating only the stratum corneum)

SMART booster:

- Literally in 2 minutes removes the cuticle, maximally moisturizing and nourishing it

- Combats calluses

- Gently softens corns and other calluses

Leaving behind deeply moisturized skin, you can use it as a

- Cuticle remover -

As a gentle keratolytic for feet

Treatment and removal of core calluses

The booster effect is achieved due to the molecular conductor.

Price: 49.99 USD
Copyright MAXXmarketing GmbH
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